Wheelwright- Serving with a sister.

Every service trip is different, but going to Wheelwright with my sister Kristen was a whole new experience. I was able to see her grow and leave her comfort zone in a brand new way. She stepped up to lead devotions for the kids and built new friendships in our group. I was inspired by her vulnerability and honesty throughout the week.

During the week, I learned that the most growth comes when we leave our comfort zones. Every single member of our Selah group left their comfort zone to some capacity. For some, it was praying over members of the community. For others, it meant drywalling with joy or shooting hoops with the kids (even if those shots were granny shots).

Seeing everyone work so hard and have so much joy through their work was uplifting to say the least. Our group was also remarkably encouraging to one another! Every night we would meet as a group and share uplifting words of encouragement. Serving with Selah was so special. Even though it was only my sister with me, it felt like I had 15 more sisters and brothers for a week. This kind of service and experience is a taste of Heaven. To see everyone looking to the interests of others and having a Philippians mindset of humility strengthened my faith.

One day the church will be united, but until then I can rest having seen small glimpses of this coming reality. God is moving in big ways all around the world! I encourage everyone to go on a trip like this. Our trip served others, strengthened my personal faith, and created so many memories to look back on. Having my sister on the trip was a special privilege, and I think serving with family is something everyone should do if given the chance. I would also recommend serving in Wheelwright, Kentucky! The feeling of community and love that town has is unmatched.

~ written by Gabbi Zeilenga


Serving Together - SELAH Mexico 2023