Inspired to Serve

Inner City Mission, and Selah Outreach, inspired me to continue in mission work, both in and out of my home town. I’ve been to Inner City Mission three times, and each time I am blown away by the people there, both employees and residents. The stories of the people there are incredible, sad, awe-inspiring, and truly show God’s power and His hand at work in all of creation.

I love Inner City Mission for many reasons, but one of them is their mission. They truly seek to help people in a way that will be long lasting, unlike many of the other organizations out there. By building relationships with people they get what they believe to be the root cause of homelessness. More importantly, though, I love Inner City because they share the gospel with the people there.

The Holy Spirit working in and through people is what will truly make a difference. The Holy Spirit has truly worked in my life, too, through Inner City Mission. As stated earlier, Inner City inspired my love for mission work, and since my first trip I’ve gone to Guatemala, joined the Missions Team at my church, and hope to serve the Lord through mission in many more ways. The Lord has truly blessed me through Inner City Mission, teaching me to love everyone as Christ loved us, to have conversations, to talk about the big things, and to share Christ with everyone around us.

written by Selah Mae


Hasta Luego, not Goodbye


Wheelwright- Serving with a sister.