Community Day November 2023

After our first SELAH Community Demotte/Hebron Day in July, we decided to schedule a fall day. It was scheduled around school events so students could serve with their friends and count it toward their service hours. We met together at 12:30 in the front doors of Demotte Christian High School for a short time to talk about what we were doing and start the day off in prayer as a team. Then about 32 of us headed out to 5 different locations. We had a team in Demotte that raked leaves and helped people clean up their yard for winter. This team did the most physical work. James Blom led that team to two different homes. We had 5 junior high students, 1 high schooler and 5 adults in that group and they worked hard.

Kim Seitzinger led a group to Two Hearts Senior Home in Lowell where they did a fall craft and played bingo. The residents were all smiles when they saw little 4-year-old Eli walk in. We love seeing even preschoolers serving. Part of that group then continued on to a widow’s house in Lowell and just visited with her, doing puzzles and delivering some of her favorite snacks.

Kevin and Wendy Frump led the final group to Shults-Lewis Residential Home in Valparaiso. Here they helped set up new classrooms for the school. They hauled hundreds of books and set up desks and partitions to help as they start their new curriculum there. They ended the day with a game of volleyball in the school gym with the students living there. It was a time of lots of laughter and maybe even a few pulled muscles.

It was a beautiful day. Everyone that helped that day was just as filled by serving as those we went to serve. SELAH Outreach is focused on serving together, encouraging one another, loving the vulnerable, abundantly sharing and humbly being in prayer.


Inner City Overnight Visit


Inner City Mission Visit